Our Services
Counseling is a restorative process for those struggling emotionally, relationally, mentally, developmentally, behaviorally, or spiritually. We can help assess the root cause(s) and severity of your struggle, provide recommendations for care, and guide you through a restoration process. You and your counselor will determine how many sessions will be needed.
$100 per 50-minute session
Available online for those physically located outside of the U.S.
Available in person at our offices in South Carolina.
Evaluations & Consultations are conducted by our licensed psychiatrists. The evaluations can help assess particular problems and help with treatment recommendations. Consultations can help with medication recommendations or management. Our psychiatrists may also be able to consult with your prescribing physician in some cases.
$100 per 50-minute session
(prorated according to time for follow-up medication checks)
Available online for those physically located outside of the U.S.
Available in person at our offices in South Carolina.
Debriefing is a multi-day experience offered to you on a secure online platform facilitated by one of our Valeo debriefers. Debriefing enables you to reflect, process, and integrate your experiences of serving cross-culturally, helping you process a specific time period or event in time, assess your current well-being, and make plans for moving forward. Availability is limited.
$900 per unit
(singles, couples)
Available online anywhere in the world including the U.S.
Learn more about Valeo’s multi-day online debriefing.
Organizational Relationships
If you are a leader in a sending organization or responsible for the care of global workers in your organization, and would like to discuss how Valeo may be able to serve you or your members, please email our Clinical Director, David Floge, LCMHC - david@valeo.global.