Online Debriefing
Debriefing enables you to reflect, process, and integrate your experiences of serving cross-culturally. We have modified our in-person debrief to take advantage of the flexibility of an online format. Using our secure, online platform, sessions incorporate a variety of creative activities, reflection, verbal processing, and some creative homework. Led by a member of the Valeo Debriefing Team, the online debrief aims to help you process a time period or a specific event in time, assess your current well-being, and make plans for moving forward. This service is available for singles and couples.
Online Debriefings are facilitated by your personal Debriefer over 3 sessions, each at 2-2.5 hours.
What is the purpose of Valeo’s Multi-Day Debrief?
Valeo’s Multi-Day Debrief is an in-person experience designed to be a preventative/maintenance service for global workers returning from a term of service on the field. It is an opportunity to process your past experience, assess your present functioning, and help plan next steps for future success.
What is debriefing?
Global workers typically experience inordinate circumstances serving cross-culturally and reference points for “normal” become blurred. Debriefing is a way to discern which experiences need to be “normalized” and which experiences need further attention or care. It is the process of integrating experiences into identity and life in a healthy way. Debriefing is distinct from counseling in that it does not assume something is wrong or broken. The only assumption is that if a global worker has fulfilled their calling, they will need their “tank filled” or maintenance care. Debriefing is recommended for all global workers upon return from serving overseas. If concerns arise during the debriefing process, a referral or recommendation for follow-up counseling can be made at that time. One of the benefits of debriefing is that it helps discern what the global worker needs, whether counseling, spiritual direction, rest, community, equipping, etc.
If I get a debriefing, will I automatically be referred to counseling?
No. Based on what is revealed during the debriefing process, counseling could be indicated; however, it is never presumed that it is needed.
What makes Valeo’s Multi-Day Debrief distinct from other organizations offering debriefing?
Valeo’s Multi-Day Debrief is distinct from other debriefing opportunities in that it is only 3 sessions, which is shorter than other debriefing options. There is a structure that can be customized and adapted to address the global worker’s concerns or needs. Rather than group debriefs, ours is for the single unit, meaning we assign each worker or couple their own debriefer.
The Multi-Day Debrief is designed to offer various ways to process mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. We employ various activities to help process including talking, writing, listening, drawing, collaging, reflecting, and praying. There is time for the couples to process together, and some individual debrief time as well.
We acknowledge that many global workers would benefit from a more long-term residential group debriefing program. Currently, we know of ten organizations in the U.S. that offer such debriefing programs. Valeo’s Multi-Day Debrief program is not designed to be a replacement for a more intensive residential program. It is an alternative for those who will not receive any debriefing; those who don’t have the time to do a longer debrief; those who cannot afford a residential debriefing.
How much does it cost?
It costs $900 per unit for online debriefings. This is the total cost whether it is a single or a couple; this is not per person. Valeo reserves the right to change this fee in the future.
How do I sign-up for debriefing?
We have limited offerings for debriefs, therefore we have a separate intake form. Please email to check available dates and request the intake form.