In Partnership for your Benefit!

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*** To begin care with Valeo, please click one of the Longevity Project links below [Counseling or Annual Stress Assessment], not the main Start Now button at the top of this page. ***

Partnership Details

MedSend is so committed to your overall well-being they have invited Valeo to be a trusted care entity to provide you with a measure of support during your tenure of service. As a participant in The Longevity Project, you are able to avail yourself of informed and professional care resources at minimal financial burden.

The hope and desire of this partnership is to bring benefits to you that are aimed at providing both preventative and restorative care measures to help you flourish.

Partnership Process

As easy as 1-2-3… simply click the one of the buttons below to request services.


Valeo has a special team of therapists and psychiatrists who are equipped to serve you in the realms of personal healing and growth as well as medication management needs. If you’d like to connect with one of our care providers, please simply fill out the initial intake service request form and we’ll get you connected.


A seasoned care provider will review your completed annual stress assessment results and will perform a blind clinical interpretation of the information presented. If there is any indication that a follow-up conversation would be beneficial, they will reach out to you directly to set up a video session.