In Partnership for your Benefit!

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*** To begin care with Valeo, please fill out the form below, not the main Start Now button at the top of this page. ***

** On the form there is a question that reads: “If your organization has a partnership with Valeo that applies to you, please provide details here.” Please indicate that you are with CO LEAD Staff.

Partnership Details

Campus Outreach is so committed to your overall well-being they have invited Valeo to be a trusted outside-of-the-org care entity to provide you with an additional measure of support during your tenure of service, particularly the inaugural portion of your new journey. The hope and desire of this partnership is to bring benefits to you that are aimed at providing preventative care measures to help you flourish. A seasoned care provider will be meeting with you once a month for your first year in your new environment. These sessions are aimed at being a place where you can process regularly with someone your experiences, challenges, and realities of living in your new environment.


Partnership Process

As easy as 1-2-3… simply click the button below and you’ll be taken to the initial care request form. Once you fill it out and submit it, a Valeo care provider will be reading through it and will be in touch soon.

** On the form there is a question that reads: If your organization has a partnership with Valeo that applies to you, please provide details here.” Please indicate that you are with CO LEAD Staff.