Ways Global Workers Can Serve Each Other
We were privileged to sit and chat with Lisa, a friend of Valeo. Lisa and her husband, Scott, served as global workers for over twenty years. As we talked, the topic arose of how global workers can show care for one another. Lisa shared a few ideas from her years of experience ministering to her co-workers on the field.
Lead by example. Be aware of and practice member care techniques like: taking breaks to rest, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, and creating a balance of work and play. Let others see you taking care of yourself and let them know why you are doing those things. Your initiative to take proper care of yourself can not only serve as a model for others but can also give “permission” for others to take care of themselves as well.
If you can, help others take a much-needed break. This might involve babysitting, house sitting, pet sitting, or even trading houses for a week. Or passing along good places to go to take a break. Those new to a location may need a break but not know a safe location to take that break. Sharing your experience and knowledge in this area can help others stay healthy.
Help turn each other back to the Father. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress and forget the reason why we are serving. Helping point each other back to our Father, and reminding each other of who He is, can help us refocus and de-clutter our lives of things that are getting in the way of growing in our relationship with our Creator.
Initiate communal times of relaxation and fun. Invite each other for a meal, or “spa” day, or a game or movie night. Since some people recharge best when surrounded by people, this may give a much-needed boost to those around you while also helping you build a stronger community. Remember, times together do not have to be planned out or elaborate to be beneficial.
Just listen. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give to someone is a listening ear. When listening, listen without judgement. Listen with kindness and gentleness in mind. Treat others’ perspectives and experiences with respect. Be patient and have grace with others’ feelings, even if they seem insignificant or like an overreaction to you. Whenever appropriate, keep what they have to share confidential to build trust and create a safe space to talk.